Cathay Pacific

  • Cathay Pacific Airways Limited, ta'n un-chaggey rieau diu 'Cathay Pacific', yn aer-lane ayd jeh'n çhaggee er-lhehyn noi Asia. T'eh ny bios y chaggee rieau erHong Kong as taishbyn çhaggee rireydagh as curragh da ny 190 cat-çhingey er mraane 46 walleyey er y traa.
  • Haink Cathay Pacific er y oyr vet hooar as daag-shiaghtoo oie 'sy vlein 1946, as t'eh 'syn traaish hroo liorish hoght aer-lanyn vooar y theihll. T'eh cooidjagh son y chooid smooiee, fec curragh da aer-lane, as sleeannaght foshlit da'llaaghtyn roud.
  • Ta y chaggee rieau ny slane-curram asyllys-ceirne, leeideil air Airbus A330yn, Airbus A350yn, as Boeing 777yn. T'eh loayr seyrclassyn aalin, leeideil er seyrclass fo-chlass, seyrclass bishaghey, seyrclass mie-tanreisht, as seyrclass meeley.
  • T'eh er ching çhaggee rieau-liorish shiaulley trins, cur eh kianglit dy bea A3chas-pluueyn voish Skytrax. T'eh feeragh rish Oneworld jeh yannoo cur eh çhaggee liorish aer-lanyn parcçhingey tra fon bree.
  • Er ny laaghyn meanjin, va fashleynyn er Cathay Pacific, shaaghlymagh cliaghtey COVID-19 er shirveish çheed-lacooney ghaaie y traa. Er vees Cathay Pacific er y cheilley t'eh hene er cooish as cur roish dys caslys as caitçhaghey tringys jeh ooie faagit jeh'n aer-lane rieau.
Cathay Pacific
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Hong Kong
Raad ny inneenyn
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Hong Kong
Raad ny inneenyn
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Hong Kong
Raad ny inneenyn
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Hong Kong
Raad ny inneenyn
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Hong Kong
Seoul (Incheon)
Raad ny inneenyn
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Hong Kong
Beijing Capital International
Raad ny inneenyn
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Hong Kong
Narita International Airport
Raad ny inneenyn
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Hong Kong
Shanghai Pudong International
Raad ny inneenyn
image of city
Hong Kong
Raad ny inneenyn